More than just a theatre to the Wauchope people through much of last century, the Regent was the centre of their town, the focus of their social existence and hosted virtually all their popular cultural events apart from sport. Its story embraces the rise and fall of movies in a typical country town; the Regent’s part as a venue for dances and balls, meetings and flower shows; a place where townspeople and farm folk alike met, mixed, gossiped, danced, courted, celebrated and exchanged news and views.
In a display using both audio and visual resources to bring the past back to life, this event showcases the history of the Regent Theatre through boom and bust to its sad loss to fire early this century. The display on Saturday 9 will continue into the evening with the addition of an early silent movie with piano accompaniment and a band. Bring a plate to share for an evening meal at 6 pm.
When: Friday 8 September 2017, 2:00-4:00pm, and Saturday 9 September 2017, 6:00-9:00pm.
Where: Wauchope Community Arts Hall, Oxley Lane, Wauchope
Cost: Gold coin donation
Contact: or 02 65 876 077
Hosted by Wauchope District Historical Society Inc., in partnership with Wauchope Arts Council and Port Macquarie Hastings Council.
Image: More than a picture theatre, the Regent was also the place of many community activities including the 1922 Wauchope Show Ball, Wauchope District Historical Society Inc.
I remember the Regent theatre from the late 50s, early 60s. Used to get there early for saturday matinees so I could get my favourite seat. The Stathams knew me well as I was always first in the line. Old Jack Dick used to be the cleaner there in those days. Us kids loved the serials, cartoons, newsreels and two, yes two films showing in the session. Value for money in those days. First film usually b and w B grade film noir, maltese falcon etc or John Wayne western/Audie Murphy film followed by the main feature.
Half time intermission would arrive and we all raced over the road to the lolly shop for our ice creams, scorched peanut bars cordial etc. This shop was run by the Brabant family in those days. Last I heard it was a chinese takeaway. Then back to our seats for the main feature.
In those days films showed, sat matinee and night, and tuesday wednesday, thursday and friday nights. We had to stand up for god save the queen prior to the films starting. That was our national anthem in those days. If any of our school teachers particularly headmaster Fred Manser were at the movies they always went crook at us if we didnt stand up.
Whenever I returned to Wauchope over the years I always drove past the regent theatre to bring back memories. Still drive past our old home, 56 Gowrie Road, when I am in town which is less frequent now. I am 72 and still going strong.
I remember the regent very much in the late 60s early 70s
And like Roy at half time go to shop over the road for treats Jaffa’s to roll down the isle
LO L but old bill and Ollie Statham got us back by cleaning up
The shop across the road was a Chinese place run by the young family as Roy also I always drive done beechwood road to see my old home 13 I’m 63 but have great memories of wauchope