Announcements, Digital Resources, Events, Featured events, Online resources
In this webinar, we launched a brand-new special issue of Public History Review which is devoted to the Statue Wars and based upon a two-part seminar series hosted by the History Council of NSW shortly after the Black Lives Matter protests of 2020.
Announcements, First Nations history, NAIDOC Week, Online resources, Sydney history
The brilliant new Ngarandi app uses geolocation, games and augmented reality to help users learn about local Indigenous histories, culture and knowledge.
Announcements, Online resources
Professor Bridget Griffen-Foley (MCQ) has recently published “‘Let’s Join in’: Children and ABC Radio” in the Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television (online first). Online access here via Thames & Hudson. Abstract This article considers the...
Announcements, Online resources
The State Archives and Records NSW has an extensive Archives Collection. In their collection is a volume which may shock present Sydneysiders as it records the presence of Bubonic Plague or the Black Death in Sydney of the early 20th century. It is a volume filled with disease and death.
Announcements, Online resources
The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2019 the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IY2019) to raise awareness of the crucial role languages play in people’s daily lives.
Announcements, Online resources
The National Trust Heritage Awards are the signature event of the Australian Heritage Festival and one of the premier Heritage awards in Australia. They are now in their 25th year of recognising heritage projects.