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Photo credits:  Tim Harris (TWH Photography), taken at the 2022 Annual History Awards.

Join Us – Become a member and support our work


Our Members are at the heart of what we do.

The HCNSW fosters the practice of history in all its forms, and as a NSW-based organisation, we provide programs and services, which aim to build capacity within the history sector and showcase the importance of history through representation, professional development events, Awards, and the telling of diverse stories.

We focus on five key areas:

  • Members – Dialogue & Development
  • Sector – Data & Research
  • Forms of Practice
  • Advocacy
  • Alliances & Goodwill

Our members are very valuable to us, as they not only provide us with a great deal of intellectual, voluntary, resource and cash support, they also represent the voice of our History community.

Support for the History Council of NSW means support for this community and for the    Value of History, its past, present and future.

What we give our members (in brief – further information available below)

  • History Week – only members can run History Week events
  • Discounted Tickets
    • Access to our events at low/nil ticket fees
    • First option for tickets to our events, which feature the work of first-rate historians
  • Communications and Member Promotions
    • advertising of events staged by members via our social media platforms and channels
    • members-only newsletters
  • Advocacy about matters of historic importance within NSW
  • Networking opportunities with other members, and our Cultural Partner organisations at events
  • Board and subcommittee experiences to office bearers elected to the HCNSW from the membership.

Further information about the governance of our organisation and the work of our General Council can be found here.

Membership types

There are two types of membership and we offer both individuals and organisations the option to subscribe to an annual plan or make a one-off payment for one year’s membership:

  1. Individual: history enthusiasts and supporters, history students and/or professionals including those in museums, libraries, archives and professional organisations (Concession rates are available).
  2. Corporate: our corporate members encompass large organisations (cultural, academic and government institutions, listed at the bottom of each page on our website), medium organisations (local libraries, galleries, councils and professional organisations) and small organisations (voluntary and local organisations such as historical societies).

Not sure where your organisation fits? Contact us at


I acknowledge the History Council NSW and their critically important work of recognising and celebrating the history of New South Wales. From an Aboriginal perspective, I personally appreciate the work done by the Council in delivering an important place for an Indigenous presence in the State’s history and in encouraging the development of Indigenous historians across the past two decades. The History Council has worked tirelessly to deliver a balanced understanding of the nation’s past and one that offers pride for all Australians.

Professor John Maynard FASSA, 2019 Annual History Lecture speaker

1. Individual membership

Membership is $80 per year or $40 for students/concession/Seniors Card Holders (verification required).


*Credit card only. You agree to be automatically billed annually via your nominated card. This is an annual recurring payment unless cancelled with the HCNSW.
**Credit card or bank transfer methods of payment.

Membership benefits

  • Receive our regular e-newsletters
  • Promote your work through our online channels
  • Participate in our paid Speaker Connect program
  • Discounted rates for our events
  • Nomination and voting rights in General Council elections
  • Ability to submit issues affecting the practice of history for consideration by the General Council (subject to discretion of the President).

What is the most important service or program to you?

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2. Corporate membership

Subscription plans (below) can only be processed by credit card.

One-off payments can be processed by credit card, funds transfer (invoice) or cheque.

Not sure where your organisation fits? Contact us at

Don't want to subscribe to a plan?

Make a one-off payment for one year’s membership for your organisation


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