The Mirror’s Writing Women at Dickson St Space
At Dickson St Space, Cathy Perkins spoke about the fascinating women writers interviewed by Zora Cross in the 1920s & 30s for the Australian Woman’s Mirror.
At Dickson St Space, Cathy Perkins spoke about the fascinating women writers interviewed by Zora Cross in the 1920s & 30s for the Australian Woman’s Mirror.
History Council of NSW proudly presented its Annual History Lecture, delivered by Assoc Prof Michelle Arrow on Tuesday 5 September. Here’s a wrap up!
During History Week 2017, the Australian History Museum and Macquarie University Library hosted an exhibition on 1960s popular culture. Browse the highlights.
Accompanying their History Week exhibition, Henry Kendall Cottage and Historical Museum also hosted Emeritus Professor Richard Waterhouse. Read the wrap up.
What did it mean to be a ‘man’ in 1950s Australia? Read the wrap-up of Dr Chelsea Barnett’s History Week Speaker Connect talk, hosted by Lake Mac Libraries.