The Impact of Television on Cinema Attendance in the Canada Bay Area
The next City of Canada Bay Heritage Society guest lecture will see Ian Hanson chart the fascinating history of Australian cinema, Sat 1 Sep, 2pm.
The next City of Canada Bay Heritage Society guest lecture will see Ian Hanson chart the fascinating history of Australian cinema, Sat 1 Sep, 2pm.
Did girls die at Hanging Rock, or did something far more sinister happen? Lake Mac Libraries and Marguerite Johnson explore the mystery this History Week.
Woollahra Libraries will host Rachel Franks this History Week as she investigates the power and popularity of true crime.
The 2017 Annual History Lecture, delivered by Associate Professor Michelle Arrow, featured last night on ABC Radio National’s Big Ideas: listen online here.
The lights were dimmed low as James Findlay took his History Week 2017 audience on a journey through Sydney’s cinematic history at Ashfield Library.