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The History Council of NSW hosts a program of speakers of outstanding quality and expertise, connecting them with organisations across the state to facilitate the sharing of their wealth of knowledge with the wider community, linking members with member organisations to bring history alive.
Announcements, Events, Featured events, Speaker Connect, Uncategorized
The History Council of NSW hosts a program of speakers of outstanding quality and expertise, connecting them with organisations across the state to facilitate the sharing of their wealth of knowledge with the wider community, linking members with member organisations to bring history alive.
Announcements, Events, Featured events
The University of Sydney will be hosting their biennial lecture in Australian history with guest speaker Professor Jane Lydon, Wesfarmers Chair of Australian History at the University of Western Australia on “Imperial Emotions: The Politics of Empathy”.
Announcements, Events
Join the City of Sydney Historical Association as they discover the history of illustrious boat building Halvorsen family.
Announcements, Events
JJoin the City of Sydney Historical Association as hear Sue Rosen as she examines Harold Cazneaux’s life as an artist, his practice and our treatment of heritage sites reflective of the historic associative criteria.