Former Lidcombe Hospital Heritage Precinct and Auburn Botanic Gardens ( Japanese Gardens )
This month’s AGHS event will feature Stuart Read who will lead a guided walking tour through two historic Western Syndey venues. Sun 23 Sept, 2-4.30pm.
This month’s AGHS event will feature Stuart Read who will lead a guided walking tour through two historic Western Syndey venues. Sun 23 Sept, 2-4.30pm.
The Australian Garden History Society Sydney branch’s AGM will take place on Wednesday 15 August and will be followed by a special guest lecture by Colleen Morris and Christine Hay.
This month’s Australian Garden History Society walk-and-talk event will be led by Professor Paul Ashton who will discuss the history of Centennial Park on Sunday 24 June.
This month’s AGHS talk is the first in a series on Australian garden writing since 1788 and will be given by Dr Greg Johnson on Wed 23 May.
Join the Australian Garden History Society for a guided ‘walk and talk’ led by Joy Bryan through the Swain Garden on Sun 15 April at 2pm.