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Image: Courtesy of WEA

To celebrate the History Council of NSW’s History Week 2018 theme of Life and Death, WEA Sydney will host Tegan Schetrumpf who will discuss in a special guest lecture Shakespeare’s Hamlet within its historical context and its connections to contemporary ideas about life and death.

Shakespeare’s tragedies remain a source of wisdom and reflection that frame contemporary attitudes to life and death.  Those iconic scenes – Hamlet holding the skull, Ophelia’s watery death – how were they shaped by Elizabethan ideas and practices?  To truly understand the text, and why it still speaks to us, we must consider it’s historical context – Roman and Christian attitudes to suicide, Protestant and Catholic notions of free will, Elizabethan Coroner’s inquests, and Medieval superstition all shape this most-quoted of Shakespeare’s plays.

When:    Tuesday 4 September, 10.00am – 12.00pm
WEA House, Bathurst Street, Sydney, 2000
$38. Book via bookings button.
Contact: or 02 92642781
Hosted by: WEA Sydney