dLux MediaArts is pleased to partner with the Heritage Group of Leichhardt District to launch an interactive mobile walking tour for this year’s History Week. Working closely with the local community, the tour will bring together the rich histories of the area with the latest technology, and engage locals and tourists with significant historical places. Including interactive elements, historic photos and interviews with local residents, the tour will become a resource for the Leichhardt and Balmain libraries. Anyone will be able to access the tour on the free izi.TRAVEL app.
When: Saturday 2 September 2017, 11:00am-12:30pm
Where: Leichhardt Library, 23 Norton St, Leichhardt
Cost: Free
Contact: amie.zar@innerwest.nsw.gov.au or 9367 9335
Hosted by Inner West Council Libraries
Image courtesy Inner West Council Libraries.