Announcements, Events
Join the Twentieth Century Heritage Society for a walking tour “Around about the Sydney Town Hall” led by Roy Lumby on Sunday, 28 April 2019 11:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Announcements, Events
Join Oral History NSW and the Royal Australian Historical Society for a practical workshop for all interested in recording the experiences of family, friends, local communities, history of museum items or any other project incorporating memories of the past.
Announcements, Events, Professional Development
The Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences are hosting a workshop on managing museum archives.
Announcements, Events
The Museum of Arts and Sciences are providing practical workshops for museum loans. This workshop will equip you with the tools to create a variety of simple supports and pack a range of objects.
Announcements, Events, Featured events
The History Council of New South Wales is pleased to announce that we are partnering with The Royal Australian Historical Society, the Centre for Applied History (Macquarie University), and the Australian Lebanese Historical Society to bring together people interested in Australian Lebanese family history.