Effy Alexakis and Leonard Janizskewsi on Greek Milk Bars
This weekend, Goulburn Mulwaree Library host Goulburn’s first Reader Writer Festival: Effy Alexakis and Leonard Janizskewsi discuss iconic Greek milk bars.
This weekend, Goulburn Mulwaree Library host Goulburn’s first Reader Writer Festival: Effy Alexakis and Leonard Janizskewsi discuss iconic Greek milk bars.
Leonard Janiszewski and Effy Alexakis discuss Australia’s Greek milk bars and how these family-based enterprises influenced Australian popular culture.
At Moruya, Dr Jeannine Baker will reveal the ways women listeners actively participated in radio broadcasting and shaped programme content and style.
At Margaret Martin Library, Dr Liz Giuffre and Dr Sarah Attfield will examine television soap opera Neighbours as a piece of Australian media history.