On 12 and 13 November, Goulburn Mulwaree Library is hosting Goulburn’s first Reader Writer Festival. One of the events on offer is a talk by documentary photographer Effy Alexakis and historian Leonard Janizskewsi on the iconic Greek milk bars in twentieth-century Australia.
In Australia, many remember the culinary icon found in every suburb and country town: the Greek cafe or milk bar – open all hours, seven days a weeks. Remember the Paragon, the Astoria, the California, and the Blue & White? Based on 30 years of research, Alexakis and Janizskewsi will present the overall development of Greek cafes and milk bars across Australia, as well as the personal stories of those involved – proprietors, waiting staff, and customers. Whilst Australia’s Greek cafes and milk bars were powerhouses generating unprecedented social and cultural change, they were also a welcome respite for all ages and walks of life, particularly in rural Australia.
When: Saturday 12 November 2016, 2:30-3:30pm
Where: Goulburn Mulwaree Library
184/194 Bourke St, Goulburn NSW 2580
Cost: Free – Bookings essential.
Contact: 02 4823 4435