The Military History Society of New South Wales Incorporated’s upcoming guest lecture will be given by Robert Muscat who will talk about the significance of the Battle of Hamel on Saturday 7 July.
Announcements, Events
The Centre for the History of Violence at the University of Newcastle, Australia will be holding a one day workshop for beginning historians and early career researchers on Thursday 2 August. Submissions close 30 June.
As part of the Sydney Mechanics’ School of the Arts April events programme, author Nadia Jamal launches her new book, ‘Headstrong Daughters’ on Thu 26 April.
The Australian Garden History Society’s March ‘walk and talk’ will take place at Parramatta Park on Sunday 25 March 2018 and will be led by public historian Verena Mauldon.
On this weeks episode of GLAMcity historians, Elizabeth Humphrys and Sarah Gregson joined Tamson Pietsch and Anna Clark to discuss the West Gate Bridge Collapse in October 1970.