Announcements, Events
The Mass was introduced to Australia by these two Frenchmen, Père Laurent Receveur (1757-1788) a Conventual friar, whose death occasioned a Requiem Mass by his brother priest, who was a canon of Ste. Genevieve in Paris, and the Latin Office of the Dead which was mandatory at the funerals of naval personnel
Announcements, Events
Join the City of Sydney Historical Association as they investigate the celebrations of Australia’s Centenary in 1888.
The RAHS is hosting an exciting History Pot Luck and Book sale this Australia Day. Join the RAHS on January 26th at History House for a chance to visit a beautiful heritage building and nab a bargain at the book sale!
Announcements, Events, Featured events
The History Council of New South Wales is pleased to announce that we are partnering with The Royal Australian Historical Society, the Centre for Applied History (Macquarie University), and the Australian Lebanese Historical Society to bring together people interested in Australian Lebanese family history.
Announcements, Online resources
Season 2 of History Lab continues with episode 3, Skeletons of Empire.