The Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy is calling for applications to the Community Heritage and Icons Grants 2016-17 Program.
The Program will provide funding for a range of interpretation, communication, promotion and volunteer activities that promote community participation and awareness of places listed on Australia’s National Heritage List.
Eligible activities include:
- development of signage, brochures and pamphlets;
- development of web content, smart phone applications or virtual tours;
- development of interpretive heritage trails and walks;
- relevant training, tools, occupational health and safety equipment, branded uniforms and support for volunteer groups who work at National Heritage Listed places;
- heritage promotion and community education activities that celebrate the National Heritage List place and its listed values;
- community events that enhance awareness of the heritage values of the National Heritage List place; and
- capturing stories of the importance of National Heritage listed places to the community in electronic, web ready format, printed or other forms of knowledge transfer.
Applications must be received before 2:00PM (AEDT) on Thursday 23 March 2017.
For more information on eligibility, application guidelines and forms, click here or at the link below.