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This online seminar responds to the 250th anniversary of the visit of Lieut James Cook to the east coast of Australia and explores how Indigenous Australians are responding to this anniversary.
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The Careers in History series presents talks from historians, museum curators, researchers and other history professionals about career experiences.
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Histories of the Spanish Flu in Australia. Join Historians Nancy Cushing, Lisa Murray, Peter Hobbins, Kate Ariotti and Laila Ellmoos – Online.
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The Uluru Statement from the Heart: why and how truth-telling about our history matters. Join Professors Megan Davis & Heidi Norman in conversation online.
Announcements, Events, Featured events, Speaker Connect, Uncategorized
Love military history especially the history of our beloved ANZACS? Do you wish to learn and engage with a fascinating, unknown aspect of their story? Please join Bathurst Library and HCNSW Speaker Connect speaker, Diana Sillato for a free, online presentation – ‘Yells, Bells and Smells’: The Anzacs in Malta during the Great War – on Thursday 30 April at 6pm!
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The History Council of NSW acknowledges & supports International Women’s Day & Parramatta Female Factory Petition to UNESCO World Heritage to recognise the Parramatta Female Factory as an internationally significant women’s site.