Deadlines for History Week 2017 fast approaching!
History Week: Pop! (2-10 September 2017) is almost here. Event registrations close 30 June, applications for History Week Speaker Connect close 31 May.
History Week: Pop! (2-10 September 2017) is almost here. Event registrations close 30 June, applications for History Week Speaker Connect close 31 May.
Our Annual History Lecture 2017, ‘The Popular is Political: struggles over national culture in 1970s Australia’, will be delivered by Michelle Arrow.
Join the Liverpool City Library for a unique talk on the history of tattoos in Australia by leading artist Rhys Gordon of the Little Tokyo tattoo studio.
The History Council of NSW is excited to announce the theme for History Week 2017 is ‘popular culture’. History Week 2017: Pop! 2-10 September 2017.
The Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences host a symposium on alternative histories of the press, photography, music, advertising and television: 20 Feb 2017.