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Speaker Connect [Online & In-Person]


We are looking for Speakers and Host Organisations for our Speaker Connect Program. Register today.

Program description

Our popular member-based Speaker Connect program connects emerging and established history professionals with the community and local government organisations across New South Wales. This special program is delivered year-round and during History Week. The History Council of NSW (HCNSW) pays the Speaker, with the host organisation receiving their services free of charge.

Speaker Connect presentations can be held in-person or online*.

Speakers and organisations need to be current members of the History Council of NSW to participate.  

*Note:  If you are a Host organisation that does not have the technical facilities or capability, please contact us for advice.

Love history? Do you have a topic that you are passionate about, that is backed by research and to which you would love the general public to become more aware of? 

How to apply for Speaker Connect 

Applications for Speaker Connect are open year-round for Speakers and Host organisations.  As a guideline, please allow six weeks before a planned event, if it is date-specific.

Selection as a Speaker is not guaranteed by the History Council of NSW.  All applications will be assessed by one of our Councillors.

Further information can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section below, or by contacting our Programs Officer via email.



We often run history events but the assistance we got by firstly, having an engaging and informative speaker and secondly, advertising through Speaker Connect during History Week from the History Council was essential to getting the word out there to a bigger audience.

Speaker Connect Speaker, 2021

Our community loves history! These programs offer a great variety and opportunity for learning for our local community.

Speaker Connect host, 2020

It’s a great opportunity to meet readers and people interested in history. The audience questions and level of interest were excellent. It’s one of few opportunities for non-academic historians to be paid for a history talk.

Speaker Connect Speaker, 2020

We get quality speakers that are knowledgeable and passionate about their subject. The History Council of NSW is easy to work with. All involved are friendly and helpful.

Speaker Connect host, 2019

Frequently asked questions

What makes a good application?

Applicants should:

  • reflect their desire to contribute to the understanding and practice of history in NSW
  • be detailed and specific about why they would like to participate and the audience they would like to engage
  • be detailed about how they would benefit from involvement in the program
  • outline any prior experience that may contribute to the program
  • be a current member of this History Council of NSW
Is this part of the History Week festival?

The Speaker Connect program is not specifically a part of the History Week festival as runs throughout the year. There is an option to stage your event during History Week, which some speakers and organisations prefer.


Do I have to be a History Council member to participate?

Yes. All applicants, whether host organisations or individual speakers, must be current members of the History Council of NSW to participate in this program. We rely on the financial support of our members to deliver our annual programs. Read more and apply to become a member.

How long should the presentation be, and in what mode of delivery?

If making a verbal presentation with Powerpoints, we recommend a 20 minute minimum – 1 hour maximum duration, followed by a Q&A.  This depends on your topic, of course.

In 2020, the main mode of delivery planned is via Zoom Meetings (online).  If Government Health restrictions due to COVID-19 ease, we will be scheduling face-to-face presentations, on a case-by-case basis.

What do speakers receive for their participation?
  • Speakers have the opportunity to present to an audience of history enthusiasts and/or academics.
  • We offer a $100 honorarium to all speakers for their services (online or metropolitan) or if travel is involved, we offer $300 for all calls on your time to deliver the presentation. Alternatively, speakers can choose to contribute their fee as a donation towards program costs. Speakers will receive the honorarium on completion of their talk.
  • Where travel and accommodation are agreed, these costs within NSW will be arranged and paid by the History Council of NSW.
  • Meals and refreshments are the responsibility of the speaker and it is expected that they are covered by the honorarium.
What do hosts receive for their participation?

Host organisations will receive:

  • A speaker free of charge. We will also cover the speaker’s travel costs
  • Promotional material where necessary (such as flyers, posters etc)
  • Publicity support to assist in promoting the event via the History Council of NSW’s social media sites and newsletter.
How and when are applications assessed?
  • Applications will be assessed as they are received, and successful applicants will be contacted as soon as possible to begin organisation
  • Please note that this program is competitive and not all applications will be successful
  • Applicants must submit their application at least six weeks before the desired date of their speaker connect event. This is to ensure ample time for organisation and promotion
  • Applications that are unsuccessful or have missed the deadline for certain dates/months can be carried over and assessed for the next available date/month.

Speakers will be assessed on:

  • their ability to deliver exciting and thought provoking talks that illuminate aspects of Australian history or
  • their ability deliver a professional development workshop/seminar geared toward the practice of history.
  • Membership (current) of the History Council of NSW.

Host organisations will be assessed on:

  • Venue facilities – the capacity, audio visual equipment and access of your venue will be considered
  • Audience and purpose – how would your organisation benefit from the program? How might it fit in with your other events and programs? What audiences do you hope to engage and how would this program serve them?
  • Experience – previous experience in promoting and hosting events locally will be taken into consideration.
  • Membership (current) of the History Council of NSW.

All applicants should be willing to communicate with History Council staff in order to ensure the efficient, appropriate and successful organisation and promotion of their Speaker Connect event.

I'm a writer - can I sell my book at the Speaker Connect event?

The HCNSW is funded by the NSW Government to support the Speaker Connect program. This is used to pay a fee to Speakers for their engagements.  Speakers are therefore asked not to sell their books at the event directly, but encourage people to order them online.  Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Is there a feedback or survey available to fill out after a Speaker Connect session?

Yes, we welcome feedback.  You can find links to Feedback Surveys for Host Organisations, Speakers and Attendees at the bottom of our Speaker page.

Have any questions? Contact us at

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