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History Week 2024 graphic design by Isabella Brown,


Theme: ‘Marking Time’

Registrations are now closed!


The History Week 2024 theme – Marking Time – is an opportunity for members to consider how we commemorate. What people, events and histories do we – or don’t we – celebrate or remember? How do we mark time? From the personal marking of time in photographs to state commemorations of pageantry, the ways we remember the past are varied: sometimes grand, sometimes fleeting, sometimes conflicting. How have the different ways we mark historical moments changed over time? How might different communities remember the past? What pasts do we forget when we commemorate? In what forms do we mark time: statues, parades, monuments, plaques, displays, exhibitions, journals, diaries and even marks cut into a stone wall? 

For example, across the state in 2024 there will be several 200th anniversary moments. 1824 was an important year in the colony of New South Wales. In August of that year, an Legislative Council met for the first time, sparking what has been called the ‘birth of evolving democracy’ in our state. Just days before the Council met, Governor Brisbane declared Martial Law west of the Blue Mountains, in order to end the Wiradyuri War of resistance, or the Bathurst War. 

Other anniversaries this year include fifty years since the Women’s Electoral Lobby presented a submission at the 1974 Wages Hearing, which led to a major milestone in gender pay equity: a uniform minimum wage for men and women. 

The History Council of NSW invites members around the state to reflect upon, question and examine how we commemorate these and other historical moments. Marking Time asks the question: how do we remember and what do we find important to commemorate? 

Benefits of registering for History Week 2024

Registered History Week events will appear in the Events Calendar on our website (there is also button top right hand side of this page).  Events will be incrementally uploaded after they have been received – but don’t wait until the last moment!  We want our members to have adequate time to promote their events, using our calendar.


Registrations closed on Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Follow us on Social Media to see your events promoted!

Tag us in your event promotions too, for a bigger audience.

What type of events can be staged in History Week 2024?

History doesn’t only happen in archives, libraries and books. Very often we need to go out in the field and get hands-on to connect with different sources, stories and audiences.

History Week 2024 : where you are.

Members are invited to stage online or in-person events.  As we have seen over the last few years, our members embraced online event production and have also been staging in-person events, as health authorities have advised, in many cases increasing their audiences way beyond their expectations.  If you want further information about how you can stage your event online, please visit our History Week Online page which provides a wealth of information.


For all inquiries about History Week 2024, please contact

What is History Week?

History Week is the annual, state-wide celebration of History organised by the History Council of New South Wales.

What happens in History Week?

Members apply through the HCNSW to host History events relating to the annual theme.  Previous events have included talks and lectures, ‘behind the scenes tours’ and heritage trails, exhibitions and radio features, podcast launches, film festivals, open historic houses and gardens, book sales and launches.  Overall, there will be close to 100 events being staged throughout NSW in History Week 2024.

Key dates and events:

  • History Week will commence on Saturday 7 September and finish on Sunday 15 September
  • The Annual History Lecture in combination with the Annual History Awards will be staged on on a date within History Week (tba).
  • The NSW Premier’s History Awards (an event run in partnership with the State Library of NSW) will be staged on Friday, 6 September by the SLNSW, in collaboration with the HCNSW.

Further details about event registrations will be found on our Events Calendar as they come to hand.

How can members be involved in History Week 2024?

You and your organisation can take advantage of the week and promote your organisation by hosting an event that you create, by hosting a History speaker through our Speaker Connect program and/or attending the NSW Premier’s History Awards at the State Library of NSW and the History Council’s Annual History Lecture. Your event will form part of the HCNSW’s media campaign and be promoted in the History Week 2024 Program Event Calendar on our website. If you record your event, we will also feature it on our YouTube channel.


Online solutions for events

There is no one type of mode that will suit all History Week events, but here are a few suggestions.  They can be online or in-person, depending on your choice.  We are happy to discuss options with you and provide information to help you achieve your goals if you contact us.

  • In-person presentations or webinars of presentations via Zoom by or with local historians and/or those supplied to you through our Speaker Connect Program (1 hour suggested duration)
  • Recordings of performers that can then be streamed from your website and/or ours
  • In-person attendances or videos of exhibitions streamed from your website and/ours
  • Webinar discussions with historians in a sister city anywhere else in the world
  • Locally produced videos about Museums and their artifacts that tell local history
  • Oral Histories, recorded and uploaded to your/our website, along with photographs

History Week events are open to public audiences. However, all organisations or individuals wishing to host a History Week event or take part in the History Week Speaker Connect program must be current members of the History Council of NSW. The History Council relies on the financial support of its members to deliver its annual programs.

Further questions about History Week 2024?

More information is available through our frequently asked questions to the right, or contact us at

Do I have to be a History Council member to participate?
History Week events are open to public audiences. However, all organisations or individuals wishing to host a History Week event or take part in the History Week Speaker Connect program must be current members of the History Council of NSW. The History Council relies on the financial support of its members to deliver its annual programs. Apply to become a member here.
What makes a successful History Week event?
Successful History Week events:

  • relate to or incorporate the History Week annual theme
  • select a running time most appropriate for the target audience (for example, many students, full-time workers and young people are unable to attend events scheduled during the day. We advise hosts to consider running an event outside of regular office hours to attract wider audiences)
  • select a format most appropriate for the target audience (for example a lecture, exhibition, interactive experience, online/in-person, etc)
  • are well and consistently promoted at least one month in advance and across a variety of channels, in addition to the History Council of NSW’s online channels
  • have a clear, concise and engaging event description, along with an eye-catching and relevant feature image, which entices audiences to attend
  • include clear instructions on how attendees can book or register for the event, whether this be through an online booking system, or via a contact email or phone number.
What is the History Week event registration process?
All registrations must be made via the online form via the registration button on this page.
Do you have a media pack and guide?

We have made a media pack available for our host organisations to assist in publicity. Download our logo, publicity guide and media release template below.  Theme-specific artwork has also been added to the page and can be downloaded for the promotion of member events via the buttons above (History Week webpage banner, and social media tiles). HCNSW logo (jpeg 62kb) Publicity guide (pdf 172kb) Please contact us at for assistance.

How does the Speaker Connect program fit into History Week?
The Speaker Connect program is run all year round.  During History Week, we encourage Speakers to apply to give a presentation focused on the annual History Week theme.  Applications for Speaker Connect are via the web form on that page.

NSW Government logo thumbnailHistory Week is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW

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