Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the History Council of New South Wales Incorporated to be held on:
TUESDAY, 4 JUNE 2024, 5:00 – 6:30 PM
Via Zoom – registration is essential to obtain link
Your opinion and input are important to us. All current financial members are invited to attend to hear reports on the past year, speak to items on the agenda, and ask questions. Please register via the website.
In addition to our normal AGM agenda, we have invited three members who will talk about their current work as Historians. They are:
- Metropolitan Historian: Dr Jesse Adams Stein, UTS
- Regional Historian: Cathy Dunn, Australian History Research
- First Nations Projects: Katrina Dubé, HCNSW
All attendees at the AGM must be current financial members of the History Council of NSW on the date of the Annual General Meeting.
For more information about our current General Council and Executive Committee and Constitution, refer to the General Council Page. Please note, this is not an election year for the General Council, as councillors are elected for a 2-year period.
M: 0418811522
Hear from three members about their work as historians.
Dr Jesse Adams Stein
Cathy Dunn
Katrina Dubé

Dr Jesse Adams Stein, UTS. Image supplied.
Dr Jesse Adams Stein is interdisciplinary design researcher and oral historian specialising in the relationship between technology, work and material culture with UTS. Jesse will discuss the History Now program which she has been directing in 2024 on behalf of UTS, HCNSW, and in collaboration with SLNSW.

Cathy Dunn, Historian. Image supplied.
Cathy Dunn is a public historian, experienced presenter, holds a Master of History (UNE), and operates both Australian History Research and Heritage Tourism. Cathy will discuss her work researching and promoting history in the regions.

Katrina Dubé, HCNSW. Image supplied.
Katrina Dubé is the 2024 HCNSW Project Officer for First Nations Histories. Katrina will discuss her upcoming works in progress for the HCNSW which will seek to promote and share First Nations histories for our members and for NSW.