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About the First Nations History Program

The HCNSW relies on funding from grants to employ staff and specialist roles such as the Project Officer, First Nations.  In 2022, this role was supported by a grant from the City of Sydney.  In 2024 & 2025 we secured funding from Create NSW to re-establish this role, with Katrina Dubé occupying the role in 2024.  Katrina finished up with us at the end of 2024, to pursue other opportunities, and the role is in the process of recruitment.  Check our Announcements page for news about this job.

Below please find links and information about our First Nations History projects to date.

Many thanks for Patrick for sharing his work and his insights. For more information about Patrick’s work, see his website:


  • Music by licence with Canva: Ecg, Blackout Memories.
  • Red dirt background by licence with Canva.
  • All images and text in lecture slides supplied by Patrick Nunn.

Transcript pdf here

Professor Patrick Nunn gives a lecture titled “History and Memory: Oral Histories and the Science of the Dreaming”, discussing his research and others about the connections between oral histories, or cultural memories, as they relate to land submergence and volcanic eruptions in Australia, and beyond.

Cultural warning: this presentation contains an image of a First Nations person who has passed away. Please take care.

“History and Memory: Oral Histories and the Science of the Dreaming The power of recall in oral societies is phenomenal … but many scientists have only just started to understand this and think about its implications. In Australia, some of the stories that have been told longest are about ocean rise after the last ice age and the effects of volcanic eruptions, both topics which are covered in this talk. Geologist and climate scientist, Patrick Nunn, Professor at the University of the Sunshine Coast, has written extensively about how many ‘myths and legends’ are not fictions but culturally-filtered memories.”



Music: Dreamtime Clouds, by Triple7Music (music standard license through envato) Opening titles and images by licence with Canva.

Many thanks to the City of Parramatta for the hosting us for this conversation at PHIVE. Find out more about PHIVE here:

    Join Jayne Christian and Heidi Duncan at the table, as they discuss the cultural practice of weaving, and how it connects them with Country, and works to heal.

    “When we create, we often do it in connection with others in a Community setting. Or when in solitude, we enter a receptive mode to receive guidance from our old ones. In any event, we are never alone in our creativity.” Jayne Christian. 

    The utmost thanks to Jayne and Heidi for sharing their time and knowledge with the History Council.

    Find out more about Jayne’s work here: 

    During History Week 2024, we partnered with the NSW Parliament to produce this important seminar,  which brought together Elders of the Wiradyuri community and others to explore the bicentenary of the first use of martial law against Aboriginal people in New South Wales. Chaired by the President of the Legislative Council, the Hon Ben Franklin MLC, the panel featured members of the Wiradyuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation (WTOCWAC) Dinawan Dyirribang Uncle Bill Allen Jr., Aunty Leanna Carr and Yanhadarrambal Uncle Jade Flynn. It also featured Dr Stephen Gapps, David Suttor, and the Hon Jeremy Buckingam MLC.

    Past Project Officers, First Nations Histories

    Katrina Dubé, Project Officer, First Nations Histories



    Katrina joined the History Council team as our Project Officer, First Nations Histories in 2024.

    Katrina is a creative producer in the museum and heritage sector. Her focus on audience engagement and education began as a primary school teacher. After completing a Masters of Museum and Heritage Studies (USYD) she worked with the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (Harbour Trust) where she was the Education and Public Programs Officer and the project lead on the Harbour Trust’s contribution to the Gai-Mariagal Festival. She has produced education programs for Strathfield Council and Hurstville Museum & Gallery.

    Her major project in 2023 was the development of new school education programs for National Trust’s Old Government House in Parramatta (Burramatta). Working with Dharug Knowledgeholders and artists, the Dharug Room was created as a place of Knowledge Sharing – a place for all students to learn about Country and their role in Caring for Country.

    Katrina is passionate about authentic connections and empathetic reasoning, the telling of stories, histories, and truths through word, creative arts and the performing arts.


    Image to right: Katrina Dubé, 2023

    (This role was funded in 2024 by the NSW Government through Create NSW)


    Katrina Dubé greets guests at the 2024 HCNSW Annual History Lecture & Awards Night at Chau Chak Wing Museum. Photo credit: Tim Harris, TWH Photography

    Photo credit: Katrina Dubé, provided.

    Lisa Paton, Project Officer,

    First Nations Histories (2022)

    Lisa Paton worked with the History Council team as our Project Officer, First Nations Histories in 2022.


    ”I have a passion for history, in particular, First Nations History. The Project Officer, First Nations Histories role will allow me to utilise my skills, passion and network development abilities to enthusiastically develop a program of activities that consolidates the work of the History Council of New South Wales and to enable a First Nations Voice in the perspectives of the operations of the HCNSW.”  (Nov, 2021)


    Image to right: Lisa Paton with HCNSW Councillor Leah Lui-Chivizhe.

    First Nations Histories Events

    In 2022, Lisa Paton devised the following events, one if which was recorded and published on our YouTube channel:

    1. First Nations Careers in History (recorded & published)
    2. Connecting Cultures:  Tracing Ancestors (delivered face-to-face by State Library of NSW First Nations team, not recorded)

    Other First Nations major events run by the HCNSW in recent times have been:

    • Annual History Lecture 2020, featuring Stan Grant (recorded & published)
    • Annual History Lecture 2021, featuring Laura McBride & Mariko Smith (recorded & published)
    • Annual History Lecture 2022, featuring Bruce Pascoe (recorded & published)
    • Annual History Lecture 2023, featuring Thomas Mayo (recorded & published)

    Check out our other other First Nations Histories events, produced and recorded via Zoom, which can be found on our YouTube site.

    The HCNSW also supports First Nations histories through a number of other events, including the Annual History Awards program.

    Subscribe to our newsletter & social media channels to stay in touch with upcoming events, or check out our Events Calendar on a regular basis.

    NSW Government logo thumbnail

    This role was funded in 2022 by the City of Sydney through a Cultural Sector Innovation Grant, as well as through a grant from the NSW Government via Create NSW.

    City of Sydney - supported by - horizontal

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