One of the key goals of the History Council of NSW is to provide a forum for identifying and responding to issues of relevance to the practice of history. Issues include:
- Research funding for the arts and cultural sectors
- Arts funding, in particular for cultural institutions
- Legislative issues
- History curricula in the primary, secondary and tertiary education sectors
- Digital archives and digitisation of records
- Copyright and the copyright act
- Censorship and privacy
- Intellectual freedom
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history
- Heritage
We make submissions, write letters and issue media releases where appropriate. We welcome public input on all matters relating to the practice and preservation of history. Please contact us.

Loyalty Demonstration, Quirindi, NSW, 22 May 1921, image courtesy State Library of NSW
Statements & Submissions
The VOICE – Post-Referendum statement of support from the HCNSW General Council
Following the outcome of the Voice Referendum, the HCNSW states its continuing support for the recognition of the diversity of historical perspectives, including those of First Nations peoples.
Statement of Concern – ABC Archives Restructure
The HCNSW, as convenor of the History Councils of Australia have made a Statement of Concern about proposed ABC Archives restructure.
Condemnation – Proposed staff cuts at ACU
The History Council of NSW condemns the Australian Catholic University (ACU) for its decision to axe 20 academic positions in history.
Submission – HCA submission to Tune Review of National Archives of Australia
The HCNSW, along with the History Councils of Australia, has made a submission to the Attorney-General’s Dept about the Tune Review
Recognition through a Voice
The General Council of the HCNSW supports the Voice to Parliament to be enshrined in the Australian Constitution.
Submission about Higher Education Support Amendment
The HCNSW, along with other History Councils, has made a submission to DESA about the Higher Education Support amendment.