The History Council of NSW, in partnership with Central West Libraries, proudly presents a workshop, ‘Voices from the past: Uncovering local and personal stories’, as part of the Orange Readers and Writers Festival 2017.
How do we reconstruct historical narratives about our communities? How do we tell stories of people long gone and largely absent from historical records? The increasing popularity and accessibility of family history, memoir and historical fiction reveals how storytelling can empower communities, give voice to their diverse histories, and encourage the documentation of local history.
This all-day workshop will feature a range of speakers who will share their ideas and experiences in historical research and the creation and publication of stories. Join us for a lively discussion of historical projects and the transformative role these stories play in our communities.
When: Friday 21 July 2017, 10am-3:30pm
(arrive at 9:45am for registrations)
Where: Media Room, Hotel Canobolas
248 Summer Street, Orange NSW 2800
Cost: $35 ($10 discounted student tickets available,
contact us at
Morning tea will be provided as well as
tea and coffee refreshments in the afternoon.
Download the event program and schedule (pdf 194kb)
Come to this workshop if you are…
An aspiring or established historian, researcher and/or writer;
Part of an organisation wanting to document local and/or individual histories;
Just generally passionate about history and storytelling!

Alison Wishart
Senior Curator, State Library of NSW
Before coming to the State Library of NSW in 2015, Alison worked as a curator or collections manager with the National Museum of Australia, the Australian War Memorial, the State Library of Queensland, and Museum of Tropical Queensland (Townsville). She has a BA (Hons), University of Queensland and Masters in Cultural Heritage (majoring in Museum Studies), Deakin University. She is passionate about public history and has curated social history exhibitions on a diverse range of topics from football, to long distance love, to the stolen generations.

Carrolline Rhodes
Award-winning author
Carrolline is the author of seven commissioned histories, the most recent being ‘The Evolution of Community’, the centenary history of Nambucca Shire Council and ‘Wheels’, a history of community transport. She has been a presenter at Byron Bay Writers Festival and the Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival. A multi-award winning writer across a range of genres (including playwriting), she is a passionate and inspiring tutor. She says the aim of her historical publications is to bring times past to life. ‘I don’t report the past,’ she says, ‘my histories illuminate it’.

Marian Lorrison
PhD candidate, Macquarie University
Marian taught for 22 years in NSW schools before family research led her to Australian History. Her recently completed Master of Research explored the experiences of four adulterous women whose husbands sued for divorce in NSW during the 1870s. Her current PhD thesis examines the rise of the New Woman in Australia between 1880 and 1914, and traces the effects of increasing emancipation on twelve ordinary women. Marian’s interests lie in histories of sexuality, gender and feminism and writing the stories of ordinary people.

Trudi Mayfield
Research Librarian, Orange City Library
Trudi has worked at Orange City Library for 11 years. Her current project – The Centenary of World War I in Orange – involves identifying the district’s servicemen and women and researching their stories. To date 1,882 servicemen and women have been identified, including Andrew Barton “Banjo” Paterson and NSW’s first Victoria Cross recipient, John Patrick Hamilton. Trudi completed a Graduate Diploma in Information Studies (Librarianship) at the University of New South Wales in 1990. She has worked in a wide variety of occupations, from rouseabout to kindergarten teacher, professional knitter, translator and interpreter.
This workshop is presented by the History Council of NSW, in partnership with Central West Libraries, and supported by Orange City Council and Create NSW.
Feature images: Scenes in Orange, 1880-1910, courtesy State Library of New South Wales.