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Take refreshments at Vaucluse House as the sun goes down, then step into the shoes of the people who once worked and lived there: who had more fun, a young servant or a young Wentworth?

Whether playing games by the light of a flickering candle, or polishing silver by the fire in the kitchen, the whole family will have the chance to explore the house during this interactive evening. Illuminated by candles, the house takes on a life of its own after dark.


When: 26 July 2019, 5-7pm.
Where: Vaucluse House, Wentworth Road, Vaucluse
Cost: Members: $30 (adult)/$25 (child/conc.)/$90 (family of four) | Non-members: $40 (adult)/$35 (child/conc.)/$120 (family) (Refreshments included)
Book: here or call SLM (02 8239 2211)