Events, History Week 2018
This public talk by Senior Lecturer in Ancient History Hugh Lindsay will consider what is known of funeral rituals in Ancient Rome and how they reflect Roman attitudes to grief and separation.
The call for papers is now open for the 2018 conference ‘Global War, Global Connections, Global Moments’ which will take place from 16–18 July 2018.
The Centre for the History of Violence at the University of Newcastle will be holding a two-day workshop for early career researchers on the 18-19 July, 2018.
The NewMac 2017 Conference, organised by History Council NSW members Macquarie University and the University of Newcastle, explores the theme Making a Mark.
Announcements, Events
The Australian Historical Association’s call for papers for its annual conference, held at the University of Newcastle from 3-7 July 2017, closes 31 March.