Announcements, Events
The Sydney Feminist History Group brings together historians, researchers and friends of feminist history, broadly defined. Their new seminar history seminar schedule has just been released and includes a diverse range of scholars and topics.
Announcements, Events
The Museum of Arts and Sciences are providing practical workshops for museum loans. This workshop will equip you with the tools to create a variety of simple supports and pack a range of objects.
The Independent Scholars Association of Australia (NSW Chapter) in collaboration with the State Library of NSW will be holding their Annual Seminar on July 21 from 12.15 – 4.30pm which will examine the legacy of the Women’s Legal Status Act (1918).
Events, Featured events, Regional NSW Events
A special seminar exploring Australian food and culture at the 2018 Orange Readers & Writers Festival presented by HCNSW. Speakers were Richard White, Blake Singley, Diana Noyce and Lauren Sameuelsson.
Events, Featured events
Can you make a living working as a historian? Our popular How to get a job in history seminar is back! Mon 16 April 2018, 6-8:30pm.