Announcements, Events
The Mass was introduced to Australia by these two Frenchmen, Père Laurent Receveur (1757-1788) a Conventual friar, whose death occasioned a Requiem Mass by his brother priest, who was a canon of Ste. Genevieve in Paris, and the Latin Office of the Dead which was mandatory at the funerals of naval personnel
Transport for NSW have unveiled a public art installation at Wynyard Station – Wynscreen, with the latest work featuring historical images around Sydney.
Prof. Robert Clancy and the Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts explore how Enlightenment philosophies affected Australia’s self-identity and nationhood.
Join the City of Sydney Historical Association and host Ken Hall as they explore the plans and designs for early Sydney that were never realised: Sat 11 Nov.
Events, Speaker Connect
Moruya and District Historical Society host Dr James Dunk for a Speaker Connect talk on madness in penal and colonial New South Wales: Sat 25 Nov 2pm.