Announcements, Events, Featured events, Uncategorized
Celebrate the Lunar New Year with our valued member organisation, the Chinese Australian Historical Society on Saturday 1st February as they warmly invite you to their exciting event: ‘New Year Traditions and Memories’.
Announcements, Events, Featured events
David Walker, Emeritus Professor, Deakin University and author of Anxious Nation says: “A shiny little nugget has been disinterred from the tailings of our literary past … The Poison of Polygamy is an exciting addition to our literary history that deserves to be...
Announcements, Events
The Chinese Australian Historical Society are excited to present a talk by Kira Brown on “Opium Wars, conflict and fortuity | from Canton to Tingha via Ballarat | the separate journeys of three Chinese men, their interconnecting lives and interracial relationships”.
The Chinese Australian Historical Society are proud to present a seminar on how Chinese manufacturers operated despite such obstacles by exploring their business networks. Drawing on a variety of historic source material, especially insolvency and bankruptcy files, guest speaker Peter Gibson will reveal surprising new insights into the nature of Chinese-Australian enterprise and indeed the nature of ‘White Australia’ itself.
Announcements, Events
Join History Council of NSW member organisation the Chinese Australian Historical Society as one of their founding members, Michael Williams discusses Chinese Opera in Australia.