The Professional Historians Association NSW & ACT (PHA NSW & ACT) have a couple of great professional development and networking opportunities coming up next week, including a History Writing Workshop and their popular annual History in July event.
History in July
History in July is the PHA NSW & ACT’s traditional mid-winter get together. Held in the wonderful rooms of the Royal Australian Historical Society’s History House, the event is a chance for PHA members and history and heritage professionals and students to network, keep up with the latest work in the field and catch up over a glass of wine and a light meal.
This year their guest speaker will be Australian Research Council Future Fellow and Co-Director of the Australian Centre for Public History at the University of Technology Sydney, Dr Anna Clark. Anna’s most recent project, Private Lives, Public History, used interviews with 100 Australians from around the country to consider and include their thoughts on history alongside public and political discussions about the past.
Join the PHA NSW & ACT for a fun filled evening of wine, food, and fabulous conversations!
When: 6-9pm, Wednesday 20 July 2016
Where: History House, 133 Macquarie Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2000
Cost: $10 at the door. Book online to reserve a spot!
Book now
History Writing Workshop
For their Continuing Professional Development program they have invited well-known author Dr Mark Tredinnick to deliver an all-day History Writing Workshop. Mark Tredinnick, winner of the Montreal Poetry Prize (2011) and the Cardiff Poetry Prize (2012), is the author of The Blue Plateau, Fire Diary, and nine other acclaimed works of poetry and prose. Dr Tredinnick talks and teaches widely on writing, landscape, justice and ecology. For over a decade he has run writing programs at the University of Sydney and at writers’ centres in Australia and the United States. He teaches grammar and composition, and he consults, on writing matters, with clients in business and government.
When: 10am to 4pm, Saturday 23 July 2016
Where: History House, 133 Macquarie Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2000
Cost: $55 for PHA Members / $75 for non-Members (excl Eventbrite fees). Book online.
As part of the ticket price a light luncheon will be provided to attendees.
Book now
Image: Hydro Majestic Staff Ball c 1910, Blue Mountains City Library via Dictionary of Sydney
Note: Mark Foy, owner of the hotel, standing centre back, wearing his wife’s hat and dress with wig. Standing next to Foy is his wife, Elizabeth Dominica, apparently regarding at him with considerable amusement.