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This talk is based on Carol Roberts’ work with Hawkesbury-based artist Greg Hansell and an exhibition held last year on the Parramatta Campus of Western Sydney University. The exhibition outlined three phases of the artist’s work incorporating works from his past, works from the present and works in the artist’s private collection that have inspired him.

Carol will explore the three factors of place, history and art and how paintings can provide an entry point both for an understanding of significance of place and provide opportunities to link art, history and heritage.

Carol Roberts is a professional historian who runs a heritage tour guide business in Windsor, NSW. Carol has worked in Federal and Local Government in the areas of senior management and cultural services, as well as in community and arts organisations as an author and researcher. She is currently exploring the artistic representation of heritage sites in the Hawkesbury and close environs based on the artworks of artist Greg Hansell. To assist with this research, she is undertaking a Masters of Research at Western Sydney University, commencing in 2018.

Hosted by Mid-Western Regional Council Library.

Proudly presented as part of the History Council of NSW’s Speaker Connect program for History Week 2017, supported by Create NSW.

When: Monday 4 September, 11:00am
Where: Mudgee Town Hall, 64 Market Street, Mudgee NSW 2850
Cost: Free – book online
Contact: or 02 6378 2741

Image courtesy Carol Roberts.