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Oral History Australia are calling for papers for their national conference, to be held at the State Library of Queensland in Brisbane on 10 to 13 October 2019.

Oral History Queensland and Oral History Australia are presenting the conference in partnership with the State Library of Queensland and Queensland Memory. The theme is Intimate Stories, Challenging Histories. The 2019 Biennial Oral History Australia Conference also takes place in the year of their 40th anniversary.

The main conference will be on Friday 11 October and Saturday 12 October 2019. Oral history training workshops will be held at a Brisbane venue on Thursday 10 October. Following the conference, on Sunday 13 October, a selection of history walks and tours will introduce participants to the region’s rich and diverse communities of memory.

In keeping with 2019 as the Year of Indigenous Languages, a Keynote plenary panel will focus on Oral History, Oral Tradition and Indigenous History (with invited speakers from Australia, New Zealand and Canada).

Keynote speakers will includeAssociate Professor Katrina Srigley from Nipissing University in Canada, co-editor of Beyond Women’s Words: feminisms and the practices of oral history in the twenty-first century (2018), and currently co-researching Gaa Bi Kidwaad Maa Nbisiing: A-Kii Bemaadzijik, E-Niigannwang: The Stories of Nbisiing: the Land, the People, the Future; and Nbisiing Anishinabek Biimadiziwin: to understand the past and shape the future, in partnership with Nipissing First Nation.


Submissions deadline: 1 March 2019

You can view the call for papers and find more information here.