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Join the Military History Society of NSW Inc. for a lecture on fate, pre-destination and the mindset of ancient and modern warriors.

Western military tradition begins with the ancient Greeks. Within the writings of this culture are found some of the first recorded instances of physical and psychological reactions to the traumas of war. Yet despite this long span of precedent, how the warriors of both the ancient Greek world and those of modern societies have faced and dealt with these terrors is vastly different.

This presentation, given by Chris Matthew, will discuss one of the main contributors which has helped both modern and ancient warriors account for the seemingly randomness of war – the concept of Fate.

Chris Matthew has authored several books and numerous articles on this topic. In 2015, he was awarded the title of Honorary Associate by Macquarie University in recognition of his position as a leading professional in his field. His work has formed the basis of several documentaries and radio interviews, and he has acted as a historical and creative consultant for the Australian Museum. Chris is currently a lecturer in ancient history at the Australian Catholic University in Sydney.

When: Saturday 11 November 2017, 2:00-3:00pm
Where: Anzac Room, Level 2, 99 York St Conference and Function Centre, Sydney CBD
Cost: Free. RSVP by Wednesday 8 November: numbers are restricted.
Contact: 0418 671 582 or

Image courtesy The Military History Society of NSW Inc.