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The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust are hosting a theatre production on Cockatoo Island! Convict Footprints is a unique ‘living history’ theatre production that tours guests through the island’s history using an interactive format.

Travel back to 1852 and join abolitionist Charles Cowper on his fact-finding mission through the island’s convict precinct and dry dock. In this rollicking 90-minute adventure you’ll cross paths with the notorious Superintendent Ormsby, and meet Chief Engineer Gother Kerr Mann, a crim or two, and even a famous Prize Fighter!

Immerse yourself in the antics and mayhem along the way – witness inmates in isolation cells, prison life in the barracks, and bare-knuckle fisticuffs in the convict courtyard!

When: SEPTEMBER 2016
Friday 16th |  Saturday 17th | Sunday 18th
Friday 23rd | Saturday 24th | Sunday 25th *SOLD OUT*
Time: 11:30am and 2:30pm
Cost: $ 55 Adult / $ 45 Concession / $ 150 Family (2 adults and 2 children)

Image: Geoff Magee, courtesy Sydney Harbour Federation Trust