A Humanities education: what’s the point?
The HCNSW, along with other History Councils, is supporting the recent HCV statement: A Humanities education: what’s the point?
The HCNSW, along with other History Councils, is supporting the recent HCV statement: A Humanities education: what’s the point?
On 3 September 2019, Dr Stephen Gapps, President of the History Council of NSW, launched the Value of History Statement in New South Wales and called for its endorsement. Australian historian Will Davies in his TedX Talk in October 2019 explores the value of history.
We are happy to support and advocate for the successful acquisition of the ‘The Munro Ferguson Collection’ to The Australiana Fund.
The History Councils of New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia have jointly adopted a statement about the Value of History.
The HCNSW has lodged an objection with the Federal Minister for Education about political interference in the awarding of Australian Research Council Grants.
The HCNSW has lodged an objection with the Attorney-General’s Department about the proposed changes to Notice of intended marriage (NOIM) form will also impact on other official marriage forms.