Come along to the next Military History Society of NSW Inc.’s guest lecture featuring Eleanor Limprecht who will provide an insight into the fascinating history of Australian women who married American GI’s during WWII on Saturday 3 November.
Ms. Eleanor Limprecht will be sharing with us the research she conducted into Australian war brides who went to America during WWII in order to write her novel, The Passengers. She will talk about the war brides in their nineties whom she met in America and the variety of challenges that many (more than
10,000) Australian women had to overcome in order to marry American GIs, travel to America on ‘bride ships’ and then settle in to a foreign country post-WWII.
About Eleanor Limprecht:
Eleanor Limprecht is an author and writing teacher. The Passengers is her third novel. She works as a sessional academic at UTS, where she received her Doctorate in Creative Arts. Her first novel, What Was Left, was shortlisted for the Australian Society of Literature Gold Medal. Her second novel, Long Bay, was based on the true story of an abortionist in the early 1900s who was convicted of manslaughter and gave birth to a daughter while a prisoner in Long Bay Women’s Reformatory. Eleanor Limprecht was born in the US and grew up in the US, Germany and Pakistan before moving to Australia in 2002.
When: Saturday 3 November, 2.00pm – 3.00pm
Where: Liverpool Room, Level 4, City of Sydney RSL, 561-567 George Street, Sydney
Cost: Free. Gold coin donation welcomed.
Contact: RSVP to Clinton Reilly on 0418 671 582 or