The Australian Historical Association‘s annual conference is on next week in Ballarat, Victoria. Titled From Boom to Bust, the conference will run from Monday 4 July to Friday 8 July, with Goldfields site visits and ancillary events scheduled for Saturday 9 July.
The History Council of NSW will be represented by Executive Member, Emeritus Professor David Carment, at the panel session “History Councils Roundtable.” The first History Council in Australia was established in New South Wales in 1996. Since then, History Councils have been incorporated in Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria. They each share the goal of promoting the understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of History, while facilitating responses to issues of relevance to the practice of History in their states. As History Councils represent a diverse range of stakeholders, from professional historians to History teachers and universities, they face a range of challenges, such as funding, outreach, coordination and public profile. In this History Councils Roundtable, representatives of the History Councils of NSW, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia share their experiences of, and ambitions for, public and professional history in Australia.
For the full program and details, visit the conference website.